The AI Machine

ChatGPT in Academia: Navigating the Resistance to a New Era of Knowledge Sharing

Rajesh Soundararajan on LinkedIn –

The integration of new technologies in academic settings has always been met with resistance. ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, is no exception. Despite its potential to enhance communication and knowledge sharing, it has been labeled as plagiarism by academicians and professionals. This article examines the resistance to ChatGPT and its implications on the concept of plagiarism, the limitations of current academic methods, and the importance of adaptation and evolution in the face of change.


As technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, it is no surprise that new innovations are met with resistance. One such innovation that has recently encountered resistance is ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI. Despite its potential to enhance communication and knowledge sharing, it has been labeled as plagiarism by academicians and professionals.

Plagiarism, the act of using someone else’s work without giving credit, has long been a contentious issue in the academic world. The concept of originality and the ownership of ideas has been debated for centuries. However, with the advent of new technologies such as ChatGPT, the relevance of plagiarism is once again being called into question.

ChatGPT is a language model that has the ability to generate human-like text based on a given prompt. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate and share knowledge. However, its use raises ethical concerns, specifically in the academic setting where originality and proper citation are highly valued.

In this chapter, we will examine the resistance to ChatGPT and the implications it has on the concept of plagiarism. We will also explore the potential benefits of this technology and the ethical considerations that must be taken into account. This chapter serves as an introduction to the topic and sets the stage for further discussion in the following chapters.

The Flawed Concept of Originality

One of the main arguments against the use of ChatGPT in academic settings is that it undermines the concept of originality. However, it can be argued that the idea of originality itself is flawed. Every idea is built upon the ideas of others and the concept of plagiarism has evolved based on context.

It is important to understand that no idea is built in isolation. Ideas are built upon the foundation of previous knowledge, and it is the combination and synthesis of these ideas that leads to new discoveries and innovations. Therefore, the concept of originality is not absolute, but rather a relative one.

Furthermore, the idea of plagiarism has evolved over time. In the past, plagiarism was seen as a moral issue, as it was considered a form of intellectual theft. However, today it is seen more as a legal issue, with copyright laws in place to protect the rights of the original author.

The concept of plagiarism is also closely tied to the idea of credit and citation. In academic settings, proper citation is considered a sign of integrity and is essential for building trust in the work being presented. However, the concept of citation itself is not without its flaws. In some cases, the line between plagiarism and citation can be blurred, leading to confusion and inconsistency.

It is important to understand that no idea is built in isolation. Ideas are built upon the foundation of previous knowledge, and it is the combination and synthesis of these ideas that leads to new discoveries and innovations. Therefore, the concept of originality is not absolute, but rather a relative one.

Rajesh Soundararajan

The concept of originality and plagiarism is a complex and nuanced one. It is essential to understand that ideas are built upon the foundation of previous knowledge, and the concept of plagiarism has evolved based on context. Additionally, the importance of credit and citation in academic setting is undeniable, but the concept of citation itself is not without its flaws.

Current Academic Methods

The resistance to ChatGPT in academic settings can also be attributed to the limitations of current academic methods. These methods have their own flaws, including economic and social inequalities in access to technology.

ChatGPT in Academia: Navigating the Resistance to a New Era of Knowledge Sharing

One of the main criticisms of current academic methods is that they often rely heavily on memorization and recollection as a measure of knowledge. This approach can be deterministic, as those who cannot memorize may be at a disadvantage. Furthermore, it fails to take into account other important qualities such as curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Standardized tests and multiple choice questions, which are often used as a measure of knowledge, have also been criticized for their limitations. These methods are designed to provide an equal metric for comparison, but they often fail to measure qualities such as curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, and willingness to learn and adapt.

Additionally, economic and social inequalities in access to technology can further exacerbate the limitations of current academic methods. Those who lack access to technology may be at a disadvantage in terms of the knowledge and skills they can acquire, further widening the gap between the haves and have-nots.

The current academic methods have their own limitations, including a heavy reliance on memorization and recollection as a measure of knowledge, and a failure to take into account other important qualities such as curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. Additionally, economic and social inequalities in access to technology further exacerbates these limitations. As a result, it’s not surprising that new technologies like ChatGPT may be met with resistance in academic settings.

The Denial-Resistance-Exploration-Commitment Cycle

It is important to remember that new technologies and tools have always been met with resistance. In the past, there were instances where the use of calculators, Google, dictionaries, thesauruses, log tables and computers were not allowed in academic settings. These technologies and tools were seen as a threat to traditional methods of learning and were often met with skepticism. However, over time, as the benefits of these technologies became more evident, the resistance to them dissipated and they were eventually accepted and integrated into academic practices. This is a pattern that can be observed throughout the history of education and technology. Similarly, ChatGPT is currently going through the resistance phase, but as the benefits of this technology become more clear, it is likely that the resistance to it will also dissipate and it will be accepted and integrated into academic practices.

The resistance to ChatGPT in academic settings can be understood through the lens of the Denial-Resistance-Exploration-Commitment cycle. This cycle is a classic example of how new technologies and innovations are initially met with resistance before being accepted.

In the denial phase, individuals and institutions are not aware of the new technology or innovation and are not yet affected by it. In the resistance phase, individuals and institutions become aware of the new technology or innovation and actively resist it, often due to fear of change or the perceived threat to their current way of doing things.

In the exploration phase, individuals and institutions begin to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of the new technology or innovation. Finally, in the commitment phase, individuals and institutions commit to using the new technology or innovation and integrate it into their current practices.

It is important to note that this cycle is not linear, and individuals and institutions may move back and forth between phases. Additionally, the length of time spent in each phase can vary greatly depending on the technology or innovation in question.

Academicians, who often preach about the importance of change and evolution, are unfortunately also the most resistant to change in pedagogical practices. However, it is important to remember that those who adapt will survive and thrive, while those who resist will perish. This is the basic principle of Darwinism at work.

Hence, the resistance to ChatGPT in academic settings can be understood through the lens of the Denial-Resistance-Exploration-Commitment cycle. It is important to remember that change is constant and evolution is necessary for survival. While resistance to new technologies and innovations is not uncommon, it is important to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks, and ultimately, commit to using it in current practices.


The use of ChatGPT in academic settings has been met with resistance from various circles, primarily academicians and professionals, who have labeled its use as plagiarism. However, it can be argued that the concept of plagiarism and originality is flawed, and every idea is built upon the ideas of others. Additionally, current academic methods have their own limitations, including a heavy reliance on memorization and recollection as a measure of knowledge and a failure to take into account other important qualities such as curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

As with any new technology or innovation, resistance to ChatGPT can be understood through the lens of the Denial-Resistance-Exploration-Commitment cycle. It is important to remember that change is constant and evolution is necessary for survival. While resistance to new technologies and innovations is not uncommon, it is important to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks and ultimately commit to using it in current practices.

It is important to note that the acceptance and integration of ChatGPT in academic settings should not be done blindly, but rather with careful consideration of ethical considerations. The use of this technology raises important questions about the role of technology in education and the responsibility of educators to ensure that students are not at a disadvantage.

In conclusion, while ChatGPT may be met with resistance from some circles, it is important to remember that change is constant and necessary for evolution. Those who adapt to new technologies and methods will survive and thrive in the long run. As educators and professionals, it’s time to accept and adapt to the change faster and explore the potential benefits of ChatGPT in the educational setting.

Keywords – 

ChatGPT, academicians, professionals, plagiarism, knowledge sharing, originality, current academic methods, Denial-Resistance-Exploration-Commitment cycle, technology, education, ethical considerations, integration, innovation, resistance, evolution, adaptation.

#ChatGPT, #Academia, #Plagiarism, #KnowledgeSharing, #Originality, #AcademicMethods, #Innovation, #Education, #Ethics, #Technology, #Evolution, #Adaptation

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By Rajesh Soundararajan

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