
Email Overkill: A Case Study in Credibility Crisis

How Redundant Messaging Can Destroy Brand Trust

Rajesh Soundararajan on LinkedIn – 

I’ve received hundreds of emails from Amar Chitra Katha, all with the exact same message: “As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our services and offer you a better user experience, we will be retiring the current lifetime subscription plan in a few days,” and urging me to act by the end of the day.

Amar Chitra Katha (Eternal Pictoral Lessons) from Amar Chitra Katha

I want to write a post about what every social media person should learn about not spamming email boxes with the same thing hundreds of times. These actions by junior staff can destroy the credibility of an organisation when they fail to stick to their own statements. If a deal is to be withdrawn by the end of the day, it should be. Continuing to send the same message for weeks or months indicates a lack of sincerity.

This also reflects poorly on the senior management at ACK. Such persistent issues are not just mistakes by low-ranking employees but point to the colossal mismanagement by the sales head and, ultimately, the CEO of ACK. Every email and direct mailer that goes out from ACK should be their responsibility. If senior managers are ignorant of this, it’s shameful. They are entirely unaware of how their brand is being compromised, which is sheer incompetence.

It’s possible that senior management is aware but doesn’t understand that this causes brand erosion or is simply unprofessional. In this case, they should be held responsible for incompetence.

Alternatively, they might be aware and still allow this to continue. In that case, they should be accountable for the complete failure in maintaining the organisation’s reputation.

Unsubscribing was easy for me, and I did it a long time ago. However, I wanted to observe this as a marketer to see the extent of their foolishness and use it as a case study on what not to do in email marketing.

Three points 

  1. Authenticity and Honesty**: Ensure your messages are genuine and truthful.
  2. Overuse of Urgency**: Avoid creating false urgency, like “limited time offers” that recur frequently.
  3. Repetitive Messaging**: Don’t send the same email content repeatedly.

Marketers should be truthful to their word, only promise what they can deliver, and follow through on what they say. Spamming emails harms the brand more than builds it, and marketers should be aware of that.

#EmailMarketingMistakes #BrandTrust #CustomerExperience #MarketingEthics #CommunicationFail #CredibilityInCrisis #DigitalMarketing #MarketingStrategy #SpammingBlunder #MarketingIntegrity

By Rajesh Soundararajan

#Author #CEO #Dad #Engineer #Entrepreneur #Farmer #Humanoid #IQ156 #Marketeer #MensaClub #MBA #RoadTripper #Photographer #Tech #Volunteer

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