
Announcing release if my new book on Amazon Kindle – Democracy Unshackled

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my new book, “Democracy Unshackled: Confronting Authoritarianism and Polarization in Our Times,” now available on Kindle. This book holds a special place in my heart and explores pressing issues relevant to many parts of the world today.

For a limited time, you can read the book for FREE on Kindle Unlimited or purchase your copy for just ₹99. The goal is to encourage readers to explore these crucial topics and reflect on their role in promoting democratic values.

Please rate and review the book on Amazon within the next 48 hours. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated and help this reach a broader audience.

Discover “Democracy Unshackled: Confronting Authoritarianism and Polarization in Our Times” by Rajesh Soundararajan, #OpenAI #chatgpt4 4, and start reading it for free today:

Thank you for your support, and let’s work together to foster a more inclusive, just, and democratic society anywhere in the world. This has got 10 chapters each with 10 question checklist (100 questions) to evaluate your country and your leader yourself.

NewBook #Democracy #Authoritarianism #Polarization #KindleUnlimited #BookLaunch #ReadAndServe