PeopleFriday Leadership

Anxiety to Flow: Understanding Your Skill Level vs Challenge.

How Self-Assessment Can Help You Achieve Personal Growth and Development

Rajesh Soundararajan on LinkedIn – 

Who wouldn’t want to have Personal growth AND a happy life? When I mentor people, usually youngsters, they seem to be undergoing some serious stress while they try to manage their professional challenges. They are disenchanted that they believe they will be in a zone, while their reality appears to be different. 

In this blog post, on how to get into a zone. Being in a zone is a very zen feeling. When Nadal meets Jokovic they are in a zone. When a Lakshya Sen meets Axelsen, they will be in a zone. They have extremely good skill levels and their challenge is high. 

You too can be in a (flow) zone. How can you get there.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between skill levels and challenges, and how to use self-assessment to take on new challenges. 

When you are faced with a challenge, different feelings can arise. Anxiety, worry, apathy, arousal, boredom, relaxation, challenged, and flow are some of the most common. It’s essential to learn how to manage these feelings to stay focused and engaged.

For example, when the challenge level is high and the skill level is low, anxiety can be overwhelming, making it difficult to cope with everyday life. The best solution is to work on developing skills to meet the challenges.

Let’s dive in and learn how to assess your skills and take on new challenges.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear or apprehension about what might happen in the future. It is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, rapid heart rate, and shortness of breath. When the challenge level is high, and the skill level is low, anxiety can be overwhelming, making it difficult to cope with everyday life. The best solution is to work on developing skills to meet the challenges.

Worry is a feeling of concern about something that may or may not happen. It is often accompanied by thoughts that are repetitive and hard to stop. When the challenge level is moderate, and the skill level is low, worry can be exhausting, making it difficult to focus on anything else. The best solution is to learn coping skills that can help manage worry.

Apathy is a feeling of disinterest or lack of motivation. It is often accompanied by a lack of energy and a sense of hopelessness. When the challenge level is low, and the skill level is low, apathy can be a sign of a lack of direction or purpose. The best solution is to find a goal or project that is challenging enough to motivate you.

Arousal is a feeling of excitement or heightened awareness. It is often accompanied by increased heart rate and adrenaline. When the challenge level is high, and the skill level is moderate, arousal can be a sign of a healthy challenge that can lead to growth and development. The best solution is to continue developing skills to meet the challenge.

Boredom is a feeling of restlessness or disinterest in the present moment. It is often accompanied by a lack of motivation and a sense of monotony. When the challenge level is low, and the skill level is moderate or high, boredom can be a sign of a need for a new challenge or project. The best solution is to find something that is challenging enough to engage your skills.

Relaxed is a feeling of calm or peacefulness. It is often accompanied by a sense of contentment and satisfaction. When the challenge level is low, and the skill level is high, relaxation can be a sign of a job well done. The best solution is to continue to develop skills to take on bigger challenges.

Challenged is a feeling of accomplishment or achievement. It is often accompanied by a sense of satisfaction and confidence. When the challenge level is moderate, and the skill level is high, being challenged can be a sign of personal growth and development. The best solution is to continue to take on challenging projects to continue to grow.

Flow (or Zone) is a feeling of complete immersion in an activity. It is often accompanied by a sense of timelessness and a lack of self-awareness. When the challenge level is high, and the skill level is high, flow can be a sign of optimal performance. The best solution is to continue to develop skills to reach a flow state more often.

I have marked three zones there. 

  • If you are in the Green zone – you are doing awesome.
  • If you are in the Blue zone – you definitely need to take up more challenges. Your skill levels are far higher than the challenge.
  • If you are in the Red zone – you definitely need to build up your skill.

Understanding your feelings and self-assessing your skill levels vs. challenge can help you take the necessary steps to achieve personal growth and development. Whether it’s upgrading skills or taking on bigger challenges, the key is to keep growing to reach your full potential.

Keywords: personal growth, skill development, self-assessment, challenge level, anxiety, worry, apathy, arousal, boredom, relaxation, flow state, skill levels, challenge, personal development, growth, anxiety management, coping skills, motivation, self-improvement, achievement, performance, engagement, satisfaction.

Rajesh Soundararajan on LinkedIn –

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