action aspire Boss career CEO Leadership Lesson

Aspire to be a CEO? Make your Boss look a Star and your Boss’s Boss a super Star!

Q: How do you rise up in the organization?
A: Take your Boss’s job faster than others.

 Having said that, your Boss cannot vacate his job, unless he has a better job! So essentially it means two things
1. Make your Boss look good so that he is promotable.
2. Make yourself promotable by making your Boss’s Boss look better.
Why am I talking of your super Boss here – because you must look good to your  Boss’s Boss as well. Because in many cases, Boss’s Boss still is influential and is a key player in your growth. He may not proactively push your case. But if he does not see worthy of the job, he will stall your case.
How does one make these happen. I am not talk of sucking up or sycophancy here!
You make people look good by these eight steps. Simple…

  1. Anticipating their needs
  2. Do that extra work to solve their problems
  3. KEEP THEM INFORMED (by far, this is where most people fail – no boss likes surprises or for that matter even good surprises – and most people fail in keeping the bosses informed on the possible risks and seek their help proactively. Remember, you may be confident that the issue may be small and you will be able to handle it. Well then state the issue and say it so. The worst thing is that at 11th hour you reach out to your boss and tell that you just screwed it up and he is helpless.
  4. Always finish work ahead of schedule.
  5. Do a little bit more
  6. See your job and actions through their eyes.
  7. See their job through their eyes
  8. DON’T let them make a mistake.

Hmm… get cracking today!

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