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Why Cultivating a Culture of Dissent is Crucial for the Future of Work

In the professional world, conformity and compliance are often seen as virtues. Employees are expected to follow established procedures and protocols and to conform to the values and goals of the organization. However, while conformity can promote efficiency and stability, it can stifle innovation and creativity. To thrive in today’s rapidly changing and competitive environment, organizations need to cultivate a culture of dissent that values diverse perspectives and encourages employees to challenge prevailing assumptions.

Why Cultivating a Culture of Dissent is Crucial for the Future of Work

The Importance of Dissenters in Professional Life and Corporate Culture

Dissenters are individuals who hold views that differ from those held by the majority and are willing to express those views in the face of opposition. While dissenters may be met with resistance or even punishment, they play a crucial role in promoting innovation, driving progress, and preventing groupthink.

One of the key benefits of dissenters in the professional world is that they promote critical thinking and creativity. By offering new perspectives and ideas, dissenters can help organizations to identify new opportunities and to develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Dissenters may be motivated by a desire to challenge the status quo, explore new possibilities, or bring attention to overlooked or ignored issues.

To cultivate a culture of dissent, organizations need to be willing to listen to and value diverse perspectives. This means encouraging employees to speak up, providing opportunities for feedback and dialogue, and creating an environment where dissent is not punished but instead encouraged. Organizations that value dissent may be more resilient, adaptable, and creative, as they can respond to changing circumstances and identify new opportunities for growth and development.

However, while dissent can be a valuable asset to organizations, it can also be disruptive if not managed effectively. In order to harness the power of dissent, organizations need to create a culture that values constructive criticism, encourages respectful dialogue, and promotes transparency and accountability. Organizations that can strike a balance between conformity and dissent may be better able to navigate the challenges of today’s rapidly changing and competitive environment.

Dissenters play a crucial role in promoting innovation, driving progress, and preventing groupthink in the professional world. By valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging employees to challenge prevailing assumptions, organizations can create a culture of dissent that is more resilient, adaptable, and creative. In today’s rapidly changing and competitive environment, the ability to think critically and creatively is more important than ever. Organizations that cultivate a culture of dissent may be better positioned to succeed in the long term.

And here’s what Senior Leadership Can Do to foster a Culture of Dissent: 

As we have seen, dissent can play a crucial role in promoting innovation, driving progress, and preventing groupthink in professional and corporate environments. However, cultivating a culture of dissent is not always easy and may require a concerted effort from senior leadership.

Here are some strategies that senior leadership can use to help build a culture of dissent:

  • Encourage Open Communication: Senior leadership should encourage open communication and allow employees to express their opinions and ideas. This means creating channels for feedback and dialogue and ensuring that all employees feel valued and respected.
  • Foster a Safe and Supportive Environment: Senior leadership needs to create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable expressing dissenting views. This means taking a zero-tolerance approach to harassment and bullying and creating a culture where employees are encouraged to challenge prevailing assumptions without fear of retribution.
  • Model the Behavior: Senior leadership should model the behavior they wish to see in their employees. This means being open to constructive criticism, demonstrating a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives, and valuing dissenting opinions.
  • Promote Diversity: To promote dissent, organizations need to value diversity in all its forms. This means promoting diversity in hiring and promotion practices and creating a culture that values different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds.
  • Recognize and Reward Dissent: Finally, senior leadership should recognize and reward dissenting voices. This means acknowledging the contributions of dissenters, providing opportunities for career growth and development, and creating a culture where dissent is seen as an asset rather than a liability.

And thus, senior leadership can help to create a culture of dissent that promotes innovation, drives progress, and prevents groupthink. While cultivating dissent may require effort and commitment, the benefits of doing so are clear: organizations that are able to strike a balance between conformity and dissent may be better positioned to succeed in today’s rapidly changing and competitive environment.

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Leadership Lesson

What a simple spark plug teaches you about leadership.

My two-wheeler was malfunctioning and I had to replace the spark plug. that is when I thought how leaders play a extremely crucial role in an organisation which is similar to a spark plug in internal combustion engine.

The spark plug leadership

Here are six reasons why good leaders should be like spark plugs.

A good leader should be able to bring together the organization’s internal resources and the external market opportunities to create value. Just as a spark plug brings together the fuel and air in an IC engine to create energy, a good leader brings together the organization’s resources and market opportunities to drive success.

A good leader should be able to use high-pressure situations to ignite a spark and convert the team’s potential into momentum and the organization’s growth. Just as a spark plug is able to ignite the fuel-air mixture in a high-pressure situation within the combustion chamber of an IC engine, a good leader should be able to use high-pressure situations within the organization to motivate and inspire the team to achieve their potential and drive the organization’s growth. This requires the ability to remain calm and focused under pressure and to use that pressure to drive positive change.

A good leader should be reliable and consistent, just like a spark plug. In an IC engine, the spark plug must consistently ignite the fuel-air mixture to keep the engine running smoothly. Similarly, a good leader should consistently provide direction and guidance for the team to keep the organization moving forward.

A good leader should be essential for the smooth operation of the organization, much like a spark plug is essential for the smooth operation of an IC engine. A spark plug ensures that the fuel-air mixture is ignited at the right time, and a good leader ensures that the team is working towards a common goal and that the necessary resources are available to achieve it.

A good leader should be proactive in seeking out new opportunities and addressing problems, just as a spark plug is proactive in initiating the combustion process. A spark plug initiates combustion before the fuel-air mixture is fully compressed, and a good leader should be proactive in identifying and pursuing new opportunities or addressing problems before they become too large to handle.

A good leader should be able to spark creativity and innovation in the team, just as a spark plug is able to spark the fuel-air mixture to create energy. A spark plug provides the initial spark that ignites the fuel-air mixture, and a good leader should be able to provide the initial spark of inspiration that ignites creativity and innovation in the team.

#growth #energy #opportunities #leaders #team #innovation #success #inspiration #love #change #like #creativity #leader #engineers

productive travel

6 tips for using travel time to become more productive

If you are in an executive or travelling role, you will be guaranteed to spend 1/3rd of your life on planes and taxis. This is what I learnt –

  1. Make a to-do list: Before you leave for your trip, list tasks you can complete during your travel time. This will help you stay organized and focused on the tasks that need to be done.
  2. Utilize audiobooks: Audiobooks are a great way to use travel time. You can listen to books that will help you learn something new or entertain you while travelling.
  3. Take advantage of online tools: Many online tools and apps can help you stay productive while travelling. Use these tools to stay organized and get work done while you’re on the go.
  4. Take notes: Use your travel time to take notes on ideas, projects, and tasks you need to complete. This will help you stay organized and productive when you return to your desk.
  5. Connect with colleagues: Use your travel time to connect with colleagues and discuss projects or ideas. This will help you stay productive and connected with your team.
  6. Get some rest: Don’t forget to take some time to rest and relax during your travels. This will help you stay energized and productive when you get back to work.
6 tips for using travel time to become more productive
action mastery

Meeting notes and why it is important.

by Rajesh Soundararajan

Meetings are a reality – physical or virtual. We may hide but cannot run from it. If that is the truth, how can we make these meetings productive? I believe it has to do a lot with meeting notes, and follow-ups in clear action items. So here goes!

Question: What are key things to keep in mind for taking meeting notes and circulating them to all attendees for action and next steps?

Here are some key things to keep in mind for taking meeting notes and circulating them to all attendees for action and next steps:

  1. Start by clearly stating the purpose and agenda of the meeting, as well as the names and roles of all attendees. This will help everyone understand the context and focus of the meeting and ensure that all participants are on the same page.
  2. Take detailed and accurate notes of the discussion and decisions made during the meeting. This may include key points, action items, and deadlines. Make sure to include the names of the individuals responsible for each action item and any relevant references or attachments.
  3. Use a clear and concise writing style to organize and present the information in the notes. Avoid jargon or abbreviations that may not be understood by all attendees, and use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight key points and action items.
  4. Review and proofread the notes carefully before sending them to all attendees. This will help ensure that the information is accurate and easy to understand.
  5. Use a professional and standardized format for the notes, such as a table or template. This will help to ensure consistency and make it easier for attendees to quickly find and access the information they need.
  6. Follow up with attendees after the meeting to ensure that they have received the notes and understand their action items. This will help to clarify any questions or concerns and ensure that everyone is on track to meet their deadlines.

Overall, the key is to be organized, detailed, and professional in your approach to taking and circulating meeting notes. By doing so, you can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and able to take the necessary action to move forward.

HR Leadership Lesson

Navigating the Challenge of Attracting Top Talent to Non-Profit Startups

More often than not, the very purpose and foundation of starting a non-profit are driven by a strong association with a more significant cause or purpose, usually greater than their own.

Visionary founders in non-profits are often inspirational leaders themselves with an eye on the future and feet firmly on the ground. They usually build an organization based on deep values that resonate with the cause.

Serendipity- AI art by

They depend on volunteers inspired by their vision and magnetism in the early stages and join the cause. Many volunteers may even be professionals with solid credentials and often play the role of scaffolding as the institution is being built. Ultimately, scaffolding is scaffolding; soon, the volunteers serve their time and often move on.

The 5 qualities that you should look for towards finding the right talent

  1. That they have bought into your vision and ideology. This forms the core and is non-negotiable.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to execute at the grassroots AND translate your vision to reality.
  3. Possess foresight on the future AND imagination to innovate continuously.
  4. Ability to work in the VUCA [volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world] that is becoming
  5. To be a continuous learning organism WITH honesty to accept failures and work on what is right.

Attracting such talent is often a difficult task for the founders. But then, who said visionary non-profit founders take the easy path, ever?

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5 reasons why good Generalists are like potatoes

5 reasons why good Generalists are like potatoes

Published on 2022-11-16 13:41

I was never a fan of potatoes growing up. I thought they were boring, mushy, and bland. But in the last 20 years and having moved to cities, I realize they are the perfect food! They are the ultimate all-rounder: mashed, fried, baked or boiled. Top it off; they go with everything, including cheese, egg, or meat – not to mention veggies too! As a bonus point: they are inexpensive and available across the globe!

I never liked potatoes as a kid because they looked too bland and mushy. But in the last 20 years, I have realized that they are the perfect food.

Potatoes do not discriminate against any other ingredient or cuisine. They can be enjoyed in any shape and size chips to fries to wedges, without discrimination! Also, Potatoes are versatile and are a must-have in different cuisines.

Much like the Generalists who can work in any organization and culture. They have the unique ability to adapt themselves according to the needs of a team or an organization without discriminating against anyone. Like potatoes, they imbibe the values or culture of their workplace.

Generalists are like potatoes. Like potatoes, they do not have a distinctive snob factor. They usually do not cost much to hire while delivering immense value to organizations when hired well!

Like potatoes that are easy to prepare, Generalists can quickly be onboarded across industries because they possess skills applicable across domains.

Generalists are the ultimate all-rounder, like potatoes.

Potatoes are versatile and adaptable and can be cooked in various ways. You can have your mashed spuds straight up or make them into chips, wedges or even potato gratin. These versatile tubers can be used as the main course or as the side dish—they are equally good either way!

A good Generalist is similar —they are the ultimate all-rounder who can take on any role you give them, no matter how big or small. A true Generalist will always be your second-in-command (after all, they are exceptionally good at taking orders). They are also more than capable of stepping up to lead projects if they need to do so—and sometimes even when they do not need to do so because they want some more responsibility!

Generalists are wildly versatile – mashed, fried, baked or boiled. Oops.

Have you ever noticed that potatoes are versatile? They can be mashed, fried, baked or boiled. You can use them as a side dish or main course. You can even make potato salad out of them (and who does not love potato salad?).

Just like good Generalists! Good Generalists are versatile, and they can be used in many ways. They can be used as a team lead, a project manager in the main course, or as that go-to resourceful guy.

Top it off; they go with everything, including cheese, egg, meat, or veggies. A good Generalist can be put in any department – project, product, sales, operations, or finance. They can be worked with in many ways, go with many departments and are not too pricey and accessible.

They can be your side dish or even your main course.

Like potatoes, a good generalist can be your “side dish, or even your main course” (sic). The potato and the generalist are both versatile. They can work on projects requiring technical skills but not too much specialization—tasks called “the 80%” if you are looking for someone to take care of the back-end development of your website or app, great! Oh wait, did you say your Operations team have quit en masse? Look for a few generalists. That is yet another area where they will shine, not outside their boss. And after all this, they will probably still have time left to help with other things like graphic design or marketing (if you need it).

The bottom line is that if you need something done quickly and well—and do not mind having them around after they are done—good generalists will always be there for you.

They are also not expensive and accessible across the globe.

Yes, they are not expensive, like some Yartsa Gunbu, Spanish peas, Wasabi roots or pink lettuce. Potatoes are accessible across the globe and inexpensive. There may be some La Bonnotte Potatoes, but they are more exceptions than the rule. They can be grown in most countries, which means they are available all year round, unlike other foods with strict growing seasons. Potatoes contain a valuable source of carbohydrates, vitamin C, potassium, and fibre, making them ideal for people on a budget or with dietary restrictions. Even more importantly—they can be stored for months!

The generalist is produced in most countries, universally available, and significantly less constant skilling and grooming. Generalists are a valuable resource for contextualization, standardization, and cross-functional and cross-industry innovation. Even more importantly, they have a long shelf life, unlike some of the tech industry, where the skills courses/certifications they attempt to gain are already ancient by the time they finish a course!

Generalists are a valuable resource for contextualization, standardization, and cross-functional and cross-industry innovation.

A Generalist is like a potato – good in everything but rarely gets credit for all the goodness.

Yes, many things, well, from being a Patient Care Assistant or a Police Officer or a President, but they rarely get credit for all the goodness that comes from being a Jack of all trades. A Generalist can be hired for any project or team because they are usually capable in many areas. It is high time we see their versatility and pay attention as they should. From fries to wedges to chips – they are everywhere.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and found it helpful in shaping and shifting your career. If you are a Generalist like me, do not worry. We have lots of time to prove that we are good and the best at what we do!

No alt text provided for this image
A man in a pin-striped business suit looks happy, looking at a bowl of potato fries.
Leadership Lesson

What if you were your team’s biggest problem?

A fascinating coffee shop conversation:

An expressive canvas painting of a conversation between two male colleagues at a coffee shop

What if you were your team’s biggest problem? How will you even know? Let alone fix it.

My friend and I were talking about what it means to lead a team. He runs a hands-on small business, and I do CxO on Tap consulting, usually working with CEOs and Founders on boring stuff like “business transformations”.

My friend talked about his challenges with his team and how he could improve the performance of his employees and his business. His team was talented and hard-working, but they weren’t meeting their company’s goals or delivering the high-quality work he expected.

We talked about all sorts of things he could do differently. He could change their workflow and different tasks, give them new tools, fire some, hire more people with expertise in specific areas, delegate more responsibilities to them and so on…

Then at one point, I heard myself blurting loudly – “Hey, What if YOU are your team’s biggest problem right now? Then how would you fix yourself?”

My friend was shocked at my brutality. I was stunned myself that I said that.

He immediately replied, “nothing”. Then there was radio silence on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Both of us said nothing—dead silence.

Then he got up and shook hands, left the meeting as suddenly as possible. He said, “Thank you so much… that last question …wow! … it was a killer. I don’t know why I didn’t ask myself all along…. I will call you back as soon as I crack this… thanks a bunch”, and he just left.

What would you do? Did it ever happen to you? What if you were your team’s biggest problem? How will you even know?

Leadership Lesson

Role, Respect, and Resources – the three Rs to building a successful team.



A successful team is not just about brilliant people and good ideas. There’s no point in hoping to be successful with a bunch of individuals who don’t have clarity on what they should do, don’t have the independence to do what they should be doing, or don’t have the resources to do the things they should be doing.

Many teams can function better if these three key factors are fixed – role clarity, respect for their independence, individuality, innovation, and resources to succeed.

Role clarity

Role clarity is the first step in building a successful team. Role clarity is about knowing what to do and what is expected.

Clarifying roles involves defining responsibilities, accountability, and authority. It’s important to remember that role clarity has three main aspects: who does what, who owns what, and how decisions are made.

Each member of the team not only needs to understand not only their role but also how it fits with the other people on the team or project.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the role of each person on your team? Who’s going to do what, and why?
  • Have you ensured that everyone has clear expectations about what they need to accomplish and how they’ll do it?
  • Are there any gaps or overlaps between roles that need to be addressed?

Respect for their independence, individuality, and innovation

Each individual on the team is different, with their strengths, weaknesses, and personal interests. They would do things differently to reach almost similar outcomes. To build a team that works together, you need to respect the differences in your team members and give them independence. 

Respect also means being flexible and adaptable, seeing things from another person’s perspective. A successful leader will empower their team member to do their job by listening to their ideas and suggestions, letting them be themselves, and supporting them when they fail and succeed—wilful stepping back under watchful expertise. 

Ask yourself:

  • How do you respect your team as professionals and individuals and give them the independence to do what they need to do?
  • How are you respecting them for their intelligence and their abilities to complete the task without your micromanaging?

Resources – both tools and skilling being made available to succeed.

Resources are the tools that they need to do their job. These resources include:

  1. The technology—computers, phones, software, etc.— and tools help them do their work more efficiently or effectively.
  2. Training programs teach new skills to be more productive at work (and stay relevant in this fast-moving industry).
  3. Coaching from managers who provide feedback on how to improve performance and achieve goals faster.

Ask yourself:

  • What resources would they need to build efficiency and effect in what they do?
  • What can you provide each team member to provide with the skills and resources required to do their job and do it well?

The three Rs to building a successful team role clarity, respect their independence and resources to succeed

In conclusion, we can see that the three Rs to building a successful team are role, respect and resources. This is not just a catchy phrase but a solid framework for how you should think about your team members as individuals.

By understanding their strengths and weaknesses (role), respecting their independence and creativity (respect), and giving them the tools to succeed (resources), you can create an environment where everyone feels like an equal member of the group.

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team building, team success, team meeting, cooperation, conflict resolution, building a successful team, leadership skills

Leadership Lesson

Imagination – Why will dreamers rule the world?

Imagination is underrated

An imaginative mind is an active mind.

An active mind is multi-dimensional

A multi-dimensional mind explores all possibilities.

More possibilities mean more creativity.

More creativity is more innovation.

More innovation makes the world a better place.

An imaginative mind is key to making the world a better place.

In a world full of uncertainty, imagination plays a more pivotal role than ever before. Imagination allows us to innovate and change the world for the better.

Rajesh Soundararajan

Imagination is underrated

We should use imagination more often and in more ways than we do today. But then, isn’t it weird to try to just imagine something out of thin air? At least, that’s what I thought for most of my life until I learned about the ‘power of imagination and how it works.

Instead of asking “Why?” all the time, why not we start asking “Why Not?”; instead of “What?” what if we used “What if”? Could these open ourselves up to new possibilities?

Imagine this: You are standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down at your own body lying motionless on the 100ft below you on the ground. How would you feel? Would you be scared or excited? Would you want to jump or stay put? What are you feeling now? What are the thoughts running at that point?

Imagining things from various uncomfortable perspectives and possibilities helps us understand ourselves better. And we gain new insight into our own lives by getting outside ourselves for a moment—the above was just one bizarre (imaginative) example!

Instead of asking “Why?” all the time, why not we start asking “Why Not?”; instead of “What?” what if we used “What if”? Could these open ourselves up to new possibilities?

An imaginative mind is an active mind.

An imaginative mind is a mind that can think of many things at once. Imagination is the ability to create new ideas, experiences, and situations in our thoughts. Imagination helps us to solve problems and make decisions. It’s also vital to foster creativity!

The more we use our imagination, the better it works! We have seen this happen before: When someone tells us a story about something they did with their friends or family, do we imagine what it would be like if it happened to us? This is because our imaginations are highly active all the time!

An active mind is multi-dimensional

All minds are active minds. An active mind is multi-dimensional. An active mind is multi-dimensional. It can work on many ideas at a time; it can hold multiple ideas in its grasp and turn them over like so many stones, seeing what lies beneath the surface of each one. Is it a surprise then that an active mind is so powerful:

The active mind can consider the different facets of an issue without feeling overwhelmed or having to choose between them. Instead, it can look at them all at once and see how they relate to each other individually and as part of a larger whole.

This is why a multi-dimensional mind is invaluable—it can take the most complex problems and simplify them to become manageable.

A mind is like a garden full of flowers of different hues and colors, with different blooms and fruition cycles. Still,  they co-exist. And like in a garden, where each plant needs specific attention, one’s multi-dimensional mind needs specific nurturing to each of the dimensions.

All minds are active minds. An active mind is multi-dimensional.

Rajesh Soundararajan

A multi-dimensional mind explores all possibilities.

All of us have a little voice in our heads. It’s the one that asks “what if?” and “why not?”. We call it our imagination. It keeps us asking questions, exploring options, and thinking outside the box. It’s also the thing that makes us human.

Yes, sometimes our imagination can feel like it’s getting a little too loud in our heads—we get overwhelmed by all the ideas we’re trying to juggle at once. We start feeling like we’re just spinning wheels on everything because we don’t know where to start. What if we practice quietening the mind to co-exist with those multiple ideas like a garden full of beautiful flowers?

The test of first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

More possibilities mean more creativity.

The more possibilities there are, the more creativity we have. Resources are finite, but our mind is infinite. We can create something out of nothing while using our imagination to help others and ourselves.

Innovation and creativity are at their highest when we have an open mind to the many possibilities to arrive at a solution. As our society becomes more dependent on technology, we will need more people who can think outside the box, look at more possibilities and draw patterns. This is precisely what humans do with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – exploring increased possibilities to find hidden intelligence.

So, what do human-made machines do, can’t humans do better?

More creativity is more innovation.

In a way that creativity and innovation are two sides of the same coin; it is like art and science.

The creative mind is more open to new ways of thinking and perceiving; it sees things in new ways, bringing about innovation. Innovation is an integral part of human progress because it enables us to create tools, products, systems, and ideas that help us live better lives.

Innovation comes from a combination of imagination and knowledge—it’s not enough to know how something works if we don’t also have some insight into how it could be used differently or improved. This is where imagination steps in: if we can imagine a better way for something to work, we might be able to make it happen!

More innovation makes the world a better place.

The world is a complex place. There are infinite problems that need to be solved, and we need creative solutions to solve them. So the more imaginative and innovative people there are, the better our chance of making things better for everyone.

Innovative people come up with new ideas, which lead to new ways to solve problems – be it products and services; these things create jobs, create a better standard of living, feed the poor, cure the diseased, and a lot more.

But innovation doesn’t just stop there! It also means being able to help out those in need by finding better ways of doing things so they don’t have as much pain or suffering anymore. This is good for saving the planet since we use fewer resources and are more efficient.

An imaginative mind is key to making the world a better place.

An imaginative mind is key to making the world a better place. A good imagination is critical and can help us achieve our dreams and goals. We must imagine ourselves achieving them before they become a reality, so we must know how to use our imagination properly.

We need more people with imaginative minds to make the world a better place.

Rajesh Soundararajan

Maybe the United Nations should hire fiction writers?

You can find more articles from this author at

Leadership Lesson

Want to become better at your job? Follow these 3 things. [A beginner’s guide]

I addressed a group of young people in their early twenties and in their first jobs, on building their careers.

During the conversations, when asked about how they were contributing to the company’s success, most said they were not aware of the management team’s plans, and that I should ask their super bosses.

The same week, I met a few more mid-level managers who had decent experience and were reasonably good in their functions and jobs. I curiously asked them again how they were contributing to the company’s success. Again, the answer was almost similar to what the rookies in the first jobs said.

In both cases, this is what I shared with them, and I thought it would be worthwhile to share in this post –

All businesses need three things.

  1. Revenue maximization
  2. Profit maximization
  3. Operational excellence

Everything and anything that you do as a business or in your job will fall under one of these things. All functions – sales, marketing, finance, technology, operations, customer support, or human resources – focus on one more of the above three. That is the purpose of their existence.

So, if you are the CEO, a rookie, or a mid-level manager, when you wake up every morning, you can ask yourself these questions (or similar) and work towards them during the day.

The questions you may ask each morning?

  1. What are my revenue sources?
  2. How can I increase my sales?
  3. How can I add more customers/ partners ?
  4. How can I go into new markets?
  5. How can I increase my profits?
  6. How can I reduce the costs of my operations?
  7. How can I do more with less?
  8. How can I build efficiency when to all the things that I do?
  9. How can I build effectiveness into all the things that I do? Can I do something better or find a new way to begin things that can help me become faster, cheaper, or better.

Revenue maximization

  • How can I get closer to my customer/ partner?
  • How can I address my partners/ customer’s unsolved problem?
  • How can I get more share out of the customer’s wallet?
  • How can I increase the sales?
  • How can I get into new markets?
  • How can I get new customers’ questions?

Profit maximization

  • What can I do to cut costs?
  • What can I do to increase profits?
  • What can I do to play better with the pricing?
  • How much should I increase the product’s price to bring in 25% more in absolute profits?
  • How much will a decrease of 5% in the selling price affect my profits in absolute terms?

Operational excellence

  • How can I build efficiency and effectiveness in the system?
  • How can I hire better people?
  • How can I write a more efficient code?
  • What technology or framework should I deploy to give better response time to my users?
  • How can I motivate people so that they deliver their best every day?
  • What can I do play build a culture of continuous improvement in the organization?
  • What can I do to improvise on a current way of doing things so that I can increase more sales or get into new markets?