productive travel

6 tips for using travel time to become more productive

If you are in an executive or travelling role, you will be guaranteed to spend 1/3rd of your life on planes and taxis. This is what I learnt –

  1. Make a to-do list: Before you leave for your trip, list tasks you can complete during your travel time. This will help you stay organized and focused on the tasks that need to be done.
  2. Utilize audiobooks: Audiobooks are a great way to use travel time. You can listen to books that will help you learn something new or entertain you while travelling.
  3. Take advantage of online tools: Many online tools and apps can help you stay productive while travelling. Use these tools to stay organized and get work done while you’re on the go.
  4. Take notes: Use your travel time to take notes on ideas, projects, and tasks you need to complete. This will help you stay organized and productive when you return to your desk.
  5. Connect with colleagues: Use your travel time to connect with colleagues and discuss projects or ideas. This will help you stay productive and connected with your team.
  6. Get some rest: Don’t forget to take some time to rest and relax during your travels. This will help you stay energized and productive when you get back to work.
6 tips for using travel time to become more productive

Are humans on the brink of extinction because of AI, ML and Robotics?

by Rajesh Soundararajan 

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and robotics is leading to a fundamental shift in the way we live and work. As machines become increasingly capable of performing a wide range of tasks, many people are wondering whether we are on the brink of making ourselves redundant and obsolete.

One of the most notable examples of this trend is the rise of driverless cars. These vehicles are capable of navigating roads and highways without human intervention, using a combination of sensors, cameras, and advanced algorithms to make decisions and avoid obstacles. While this technology has the potential to greatly improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion, it also threatens to put millions of taxi, bus, and truck drivers out of work.

Another area where machines are starting to take over is in the field of healthcare. Robotic surgery, for example, is becoming increasingly common, with surgical robots being used to perform a wide range of procedures with greater precision and accuracy than is possible with human hands. Similarly, AI-powered diagnostic systems are being developed that can analyze medical images and other data to identify diseases and conditions more accurately and quickly than human doctors.

Even creative professions are not immune to the rise of AI and robotics. For example, there are now AI-powered systems that can write complex technical content, paint pictures, and compose music. While these systems may not yet be able to replicate the creativity and originality of human artists, they are certainly capable of performing many routine tasks and may eventually surpass human abilities in these areas.

As machines continue to take over more and more tasks, many people are asking what will be left for humans to do. Some argue that we will need to find new, more creative and meaningful ways to use our unique human abilities, such as problem-solving, empathy, and innovation. Others fear that we may become increasingly dependent on machines and lose the ability to think for ourselves.

There is also the question of whether we are being programmed by the machines we create. As AI systems become more advanced and are able to perform more and more tasks, they may shape our behavior and decision-making in ways that we do not fully understand. For example, AI-powered recommendation systems, such as those used by online retailers and streaming services, may influence our choices and preferences without us realizing it.

Finally, some people are concerned that the rise of AI and robotics could spell the end of human civilization as we know it. If machines become more intelligent and capable than humans, they may be able to outcompete us for resources and ultimately take over the world. While this may sound like science fiction, it is a possibility that we must take seriously and prepare for.

Overall, the rise of AI, ML, and robotics is leading to some fundamental shifts in the way we live and work. As machines take over more and more tasks, we need to think carefully about what this means for the future of humanity and how we can adapt and thrive in this rapidly changing world.

But then, we have very very interesting times ahead. We have absolutely no clue on how and what the future holds for children. While one can hope that  it’s not too much of a challenge, we must remember that humans have lived for 7 million years on this planet.  A mere 7 years ofAI, ML, Robotics rage or our own lifetime of 70 years will not even be a blip in the timeline.So as they say, I guess the fun is in enjoying the ride as it happens. 

#AI #ML #Robotics #HumansOnTheBrinkOfExtinction #DriverlessCars #RoboticSurgery #AIInHealthcare #CreativeProfessions #HumanAbilities #ProgrammedByMachines #FutureOfHumanity #AdaptAndThrive #7MillionYears #FunInTheRide

action mastery

Meeting notes and why it is important.

by Rajesh Soundararajan

Meetings are a reality – physical or virtual. We may hide but cannot run from it. If that is the truth, how can we make these meetings productive? I believe it has to do a lot with meeting notes, and follow-ups in clear action items. So here goes!

Question: What are key things to keep in mind for taking meeting notes and circulating them to all attendees for action and next steps?

Here are some key things to keep in mind for taking meeting notes and circulating them to all attendees for action and next steps:

  1. Start by clearly stating the purpose and agenda of the meeting, as well as the names and roles of all attendees. This will help everyone understand the context and focus of the meeting and ensure that all participants are on the same page.
  2. Take detailed and accurate notes of the discussion and decisions made during the meeting. This may include key points, action items, and deadlines. Make sure to include the names of the individuals responsible for each action item and any relevant references or attachments.
  3. Use a clear and concise writing style to organize and present the information in the notes. Avoid jargon or abbreviations that may not be understood by all attendees, and use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight key points and action items.
  4. Review and proofread the notes carefully before sending them to all attendees. This will help ensure that the information is accurate and easy to understand.
  5. Use a professional and standardized format for the notes, such as a table or template. This will help to ensure consistency and make it easier for attendees to quickly find and access the information they need.
  6. Follow up with attendees after the meeting to ensure that they have received the notes and understand their action items. This will help to clarify any questions or concerns and ensure that everyone is on track to meet their deadlines.

Overall, the key is to be organized, detailed, and professional in your approach to taking and circulating meeting notes. By doing so, you can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and able to take the necessary action to move forward.

HR Leadership Lesson

Navigating the Challenge of Attracting Top Talent to Non-Profit Startups

More often than not, the very purpose and foundation of starting a non-profit are driven by a strong association with a more significant cause or purpose, usually greater than their own.

Visionary founders in non-profits are often inspirational leaders themselves with an eye on the future and feet firmly on the ground. They usually build an organization based on deep values that resonate with the cause.

Serendipity- AI art by

They depend on volunteers inspired by their vision and magnetism in the early stages and join the cause. Many volunteers may even be professionals with solid credentials and often play the role of scaffolding as the institution is being built. Ultimately, scaffolding is scaffolding; soon, the volunteers serve their time and often move on.

The 5 qualities that you should look for towards finding the right talent

  1. That they have bought into your vision and ideology. This forms the core and is non-negotiable.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to execute at the grassroots AND translate your vision to reality.
  3. Possess foresight on the future AND imagination to innovate continuously.
  4. Ability to work in the VUCA [volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world] that is becoming
  5. To be a continuous learning organism WITH honesty to accept failures and work on what is right.

Attracting such talent is often a difficult task for the founders. But then, who said visionary non-profit founders take the easy path, ever?

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Leadership Lesson

How to ace B2B Sales – Avoid this one mistake.

Understand the difference between the decision maker, influence, and gatekeeper.


B2B sales calls come in all shapes and sizes. You might be reaching a single buyer or trying to get through to several people in an organization. Regardless of whom you are talking to, your pitch must be tailored to them and their role on the team. In this article, I will review the players you’ll likely encounter during your B2B sales calls: decision makers, gatekeepers, and influencers. I will also advise on how best to approach these different roles so you can most effectively sell your product or service!

All B2B sales calls have at least one decision maker and at least one gatekeeper.

In B2B sales, it is essential to understand the difference between the decision maker, influencer and gatekeeper.

All B2B sales calls have at least one decision-maker. The decision maker is the person who makes the final call about whether their company can use your product or service.

All B2B sales call also have at least one gatekeeper. A gatekeeper controls access from others in your organization to a person/department/group in another organization that has not yet bought from you (but may do so). Gatekeepers are often internal—for example, a marketing manager might be your gatekeeper if they control communications between you and their clients or prospects on behalf of their company. Porters can also be external—for example; an account executive might function as a gatekeeper because they know all of his client’s information, including what other vendors they use, how much they spend per year and where they spend it – information that could help him convince them that using your services would save them money!

The decision maker pulls the trigger on all sales decisions.

The decision-makers role is central to the sales process. They have the authority to make a purchase decision and have a budget to spend on your product or service. Their job is often high-level, so they do not need a lot of day-to-day operational details. They mainly care about whether you can solve their problem and how much it will cost them.

They often work alone in an office without any other people around them. They might not even speak with anyone else about what you are selling except for their assistant or secretary (a gatekeeper).

Suppose your company does business B2B (business-to-business). In that case, chances are you will need to contact a decision-maker at one point or another during your sales cycle.

Gatekeepers guard access to the decision-maker. They can be buyers, but they may not be.

Gatekeepers are not always buyers. They may be peers or usually a subordinate. They control access to the decision maker, who is typically an executive or decision maker with authority to buy whatever you sell.

Gatekeepers can be hard to identify because they do not always want their identity known—they may not want their boss to know they are stopping them. They prefer that you contact them directly rather than going through their superior. Gatekeepers also like saying “no” to people without anyone knowing about it (or having any record). This means that gatekeepers are often extremely careful about whom they allow into their inner circle, so if you do not fit into their social circle out of the gate (i.e., when trying to get in touch with them), then your chances of getting through are slim-to-none unless you’re very lucky or persistent enough

Influencers are the people who influence the decision-maker to buy a particular product or service.

Influencers are the people who influence the decision-maker to buy a particular product or service. They can be buyers or not, and they are the people you need to understand and influence to get your product or service sold. They can be anyone close to the decision maker whose opinion affects their decisions.

The influence may not be the person you usually talk to. They can be anyone close to the decision maker whose opinion affects their decisions. Influencers can include colleagues, friends, or family members. You need to identify these people when working with B2B salespeople because they are often highly influential in buying decisions for their company.


The buying team comprises three roles: decision-maker, gatekeeper, and influencer. The decision maker pulls the trigger on all sales decisions and usually takes responsibility for budgeting and authorizing purchases. The gatekeeper guards access to the decision-maker by filtering out unnecessary sales calls from people who do not fit into their organization’s culture or business model. Influencers can be anyone on your list which has some influence over the potential buyer’s decisions about what type of company they work for or what products they should buy from you (or not!).

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Leadership Lesson

What if you were your team’s biggest problem?

A fascinating coffee shop conversation:

An expressive canvas painting of a conversation between two male colleagues at a coffee shop

What if you were your team’s biggest problem? How will you even know? Let alone fix it.

My friend and I were talking about what it means to lead a team. He runs a hands-on small business, and I do CxO on Tap consulting, usually working with CEOs and Founders on boring stuff like “business transformations”.

My friend talked about his challenges with his team and how he could improve the performance of his employees and his business. His team was talented and hard-working, but they weren’t meeting their company’s goals or delivering the high-quality work he expected.

We talked about all sorts of things he could do differently. He could change their workflow and different tasks, give them new tools, fire some, hire more people with expertise in specific areas, delegate more responsibilities to them and so on…

Then at one point, I heard myself blurting loudly – “Hey, What if YOU are your team’s biggest problem right now? Then how would you fix yourself?”

My friend was shocked at my brutality. I was stunned myself that I said that.

He immediately replied, “nothing”. Then there was radio silence on both sides for 2-3 minutes. Both of us said nothing—dead silence.

Then he got up and shook hands, left the meeting as suddenly as possible. He said, “Thank you so much… that last question …wow! … it was a killer. I don’t know why I didn’t ask myself all along…. I will call you back as soon as I crack this… thanks a bunch”, and he just left.

What would you do? Did it ever happen to you? What if you were your team’s biggest problem? How will you even know?

Leadership Lesson

10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

After reading hundreds of books and thousands of articles – here are the 10 laws to becoming a Pro at Productivity

1)   Take A Break – Pomodoro

If you work non-stop beyond the 25th / 30th minute, your performance starts to dip drastically. And it a slide downhill on productivity. So, this is what you should do – Work in 25-minute intervals. Take a break for 5 minutes and do something fun – call a friend, talk to a child, speak to a parent or roommate, enjoy some music – something that is the reward for the 25 minutes of hard Work. Now go back to the next 25 minutes slot and finish the task. Keep repeating, and you will be amazed by this magic! Your efficiency is near 100% consistently. Most people work longer and longer without a break, and they do not realize that their productivity dips rapidly to even 20%. Hence, they now take much 5x longer and make much more mistakes. The frustration and exhaustion only compound. All this without their knowledge. So, the trick is simple – keep a timer/ work for 25 min/ take a break for 5 minutes/repeat.

Take A Break - Pomodoro - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

2)   80-20 Pareto Principle

This Pareto principle says that 80% of results get done with 20% effort. So, it would help if you had figured out that 20% is the driving agent of your 80%, and you can ignore the rest. Practising Pareto consciously allows you to focus only on the critical 80% in a short time.

80-20 Pareto Principle - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

3)   Newtons First Law – Start Somewhere – Keep Moving

Newton’s first law of motion says that an object is at rest or in uniform motion until an external force act upon it. So why not kick off something into kinetic action and START doing it? The momentum will take off. For example, if you want to start running for 45 minutes each day at 7:00 am, all you need to do is have the discipline of wearing your running shoes at 7:00 am. Automatically your momentum takes the song for the next 45 minutes. On the contrary, not wearing the shoe will build inertia and send you might not even step out for the entire day.

Newton's First Law - Start Somewhere, Start Moving - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

4)   Sleep Well

Oh, well, you may belong to the 5 am club. Or maybe you belong to the Night Owls club. Or you may pride yourself on sleeping 3 hours a day for months. And still, you are busy. Well, one of the reasons why those = who do 18-hour workdays are not productive is that they do not sleep well. Sleeping well, say 6-8 hours is what the body needs to function optimally and be productive. Mounting evidence suggests that a good night’s sleep seriously boosts productivity. Sleep deprivation leads to “significantly lower productivity, performance, and safety outcomes”. Well, this one should be easy to sleep well, well enough to recharge and nourish your mind and body.

Sleep Well - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

5)   Buridan’s Ass -You Can’t Do Two Things at The Same Time

Buridan’s ass refers to a hypothetical situation wherein an ass (donkey) equally hungry and thirsty is placed precisely midway between a stack of hay and a pail of water. Since the paradox assumes the donkey will always go to whichever is closer, it dies of both hunger and thirst since it cannot make any rational decision between the hay and water. We often do nothing because we cannot choose what to do first. We want to do both simultaneously and cannot decide what should be. Start –pick any choice and keep moving. You will have finished the task.

Bourdain's Ass - You can't do two things at the same time. 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

6)   Do Important / Not Urgent Things First – The Q2 Quadrant

We do a lot of things every day. Do the laundry, cook, clean, email, and make phone calls. Each day you check everything off your To Do. That is efficient. Great. But to be ‘effective’, you need to do essential things. You may not do as many things, but you do one thing that makes a substantial difference. The Q2 quadrant is about doing things that are Important but not Urgent. This is where you should spend most of your time—planning, prevention, capability improvement, relationship building, recognizing new opportunities, etc. Spending time on these important things should lead to an unclouded vision, balanced life, discipline, control, and fewer and fewer crises.

Do Important things First - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

7)   Work Expands to Fill Time

Work expands to fill them if you want to get things done in a sustainable fashion here\. Parkinson’s law says Work expands to fill the time we allocate to it, so if you get something attractive giving us less time, allocate less time to it. Try to time-box it into smaller and smaller time capsules instead of giving yourself a liberal ‘evening’ or ‘post launch’ to do your task – slot yourself 230-255p or 415-440p. You will see the Work magically take a short time and contracts into that time.

Work Expands to Fill Time - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

8)   Tame Your Mind Towards Infinite Leverage

We live in an age of infinite leverage. Your actions can be multiplied 1000-fold by writing helpful content, podcast, investing capital, having people work for you, or writing code. The impact of good decision-making on what can give the best multiplier effect now is that you can influence thousands or millions of people – through your decisions, your code, and your start-up. So, clear your mind to better judge the ‘infinite leverage’ you do with your mind. You will also be happy and calm with better decisions, peak performance, and outcomes. You must learn to tame your mind just like you train your body.

Tame your Mind Towards Infinite Leverage - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

9)   Visioning with Absolute Goal Clarity

Why do you see your car everywhere after you buy it? Science has an answer for this, and it involves the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. There has not been an increase in similar cars around you — you rarely noticed it before.

Your subconscious can be quite powerful and yet be selective in what it gives attention to or ignores without you realizing it. The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, more commonly referred to as frequency illusion, triggers your brain into a goal-seeking function. Where subconsciously, it will nudge and strive towards your goals. Now imagine visioning your definitive version of what you want multiple times; you will subconsciously start achieving the same.

Practice Visioning w/ Absolute Clarity - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.

10)       The Magic Formula

Yes, the 10th is just consistency and following the above – take a break, follow 80-20, start and keep moving, sleep well, do not get stuck like a Bourdain’s ass, do important things first, time-box your Work, tame your mind for infinite leverage, follow visioning with absolute goal clarity, repeat.

Magic Formula - 10 laws to becoming a Productivity Pro.
Leadership Lesson

Role, Respect, and Resources – the three Rs to building a successful team.



A successful team is not just about brilliant people and good ideas. There’s no point in hoping to be successful with a bunch of individuals who don’t have clarity on what they should do, don’t have the independence to do what they should be doing, or don’t have the resources to do the things they should be doing.

Many teams can function better if these three key factors are fixed – role clarity, respect for their independence, individuality, innovation, and resources to succeed.

Role clarity

Role clarity is the first step in building a successful team. Role clarity is about knowing what to do and what is expected.

Clarifying roles involves defining responsibilities, accountability, and authority. It’s important to remember that role clarity has three main aspects: who does what, who owns what, and how decisions are made.

Each member of the team not only needs to understand not only their role but also how it fits with the other people on the team or project.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the role of each person on your team? Who’s going to do what, and why?
  • Have you ensured that everyone has clear expectations about what they need to accomplish and how they’ll do it?
  • Are there any gaps or overlaps between roles that need to be addressed?

Respect for their independence, individuality, and innovation

Each individual on the team is different, with their strengths, weaknesses, and personal interests. They would do things differently to reach almost similar outcomes. To build a team that works together, you need to respect the differences in your team members and give them independence. 

Respect also means being flexible and adaptable, seeing things from another person’s perspective. A successful leader will empower their team member to do their job by listening to their ideas and suggestions, letting them be themselves, and supporting them when they fail and succeed—wilful stepping back under watchful expertise. 

Ask yourself:

  • How do you respect your team as professionals and individuals and give them the independence to do what they need to do?
  • How are you respecting them for their intelligence and their abilities to complete the task without your micromanaging?

Resources – both tools and skilling being made available to succeed.

Resources are the tools that they need to do their job. These resources include:

  1. The technology—computers, phones, software, etc.— and tools help them do their work more efficiently or effectively.
  2. Training programs teach new skills to be more productive at work (and stay relevant in this fast-moving industry).
  3. Coaching from managers who provide feedback on how to improve performance and achieve goals faster.

Ask yourself:

  • What resources would they need to build efficiency and effect in what they do?
  • What can you provide each team member to provide with the skills and resources required to do their job and do it well?

The three Rs to building a successful team role clarity, respect their independence and resources to succeed

In conclusion, we can see that the three Rs to building a successful team are role, respect and resources. This is not just a catchy phrase but a solid framework for how you should think about your team members as individuals.

By understanding their strengths and weaknesses (role), respecting their independence and creativity (respect), and giving them the tools to succeed (resources), you can create an environment where everyone feels like an equal member of the group.

#team #teambuilding #teamwork #teamleader #teamplayer #teamplayer #teamplayer #role #respect #resources #respect #role #teambuilding #respect #teamplayer #teamleader

team building, team success, team meeting, cooperation, conflict resolution, building a successful team, leadership skills

Leadership Lesson

Imagination – Why will dreamers rule the world?

Imagination is underrated

An imaginative mind is an active mind.

An active mind is multi-dimensional

A multi-dimensional mind explores all possibilities.

More possibilities mean more creativity.

More creativity is more innovation.

More innovation makes the world a better place.

An imaginative mind is key to making the world a better place.

In a world full of uncertainty, imagination plays a more pivotal role than ever before. Imagination allows us to innovate and change the world for the better.

Rajesh Soundararajan

Imagination is underrated

We should use imagination more often and in more ways than we do today. But then, isn’t it weird to try to just imagine something out of thin air? At least, that’s what I thought for most of my life until I learned about the ‘power of imagination and how it works.

Instead of asking “Why?” all the time, why not we start asking “Why Not?”; instead of “What?” what if we used “What if”? Could these open ourselves up to new possibilities?

Imagine this: You are standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down at your own body lying motionless on the 100ft below you on the ground. How would you feel? Would you be scared or excited? Would you want to jump or stay put? What are you feeling now? What are the thoughts running at that point?

Imagining things from various uncomfortable perspectives and possibilities helps us understand ourselves better. And we gain new insight into our own lives by getting outside ourselves for a moment—the above was just one bizarre (imaginative) example!

Instead of asking “Why?” all the time, why not we start asking “Why Not?”; instead of “What?” what if we used “What if”? Could these open ourselves up to new possibilities?

An imaginative mind is an active mind.

An imaginative mind is a mind that can think of many things at once. Imagination is the ability to create new ideas, experiences, and situations in our thoughts. Imagination helps us to solve problems and make decisions. It’s also vital to foster creativity!

The more we use our imagination, the better it works! We have seen this happen before: When someone tells us a story about something they did with their friends or family, do we imagine what it would be like if it happened to us? This is because our imaginations are highly active all the time!

An active mind is multi-dimensional

All minds are active minds. An active mind is multi-dimensional. An active mind is multi-dimensional. It can work on many ideas at a time; it can hold multiple ideas in its grasp and turn them over like so many stones, seeing what lies beneath the surface of each one. Is it a surprise then that an active mind is so powerful:

The active mind can consider the different facets of an issue without feeling overwhelmed or having to choose between them. Instead, it can look at them all at once and see how they relate to each other individually and as part of a larger whole.

This is why a multi-dimensional mind is invaluable—it can take the most complex problems and simplify them to become manageable.

A mind is like a garden full of flowers of different hues and colors, with different blooms and fruition cycles. Still,  they co-exist. And like in a garden, where each plant needs specific attention, one’s multi-dimensional mind needs specific nurturing to each of the dimensions.

All minds are active minds. An active mind is multi-dimensional.

Rajesh Soundararajan

A multi-dimensional mind explores all possibilities.

All of us have a little voice in our heads. It’s the one that asks “what if?” and “why not?”. We call it our imagination. It keeps us asking questions, exploring options, and thinking outside the box. It’s also the thing that makes us human.

Yes, sometimes our imagination can feel like it’s getting a little too loud in our heads—we get overwhelmed by all the ideas we’re trying to juggle at once. We start feeling like we’re just spinning wheels on everything because we don’t know where to start. What if we practice quietening the mind to co-exist with those multiple ideas like a garden full of beautiful flowers?

The test of first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

More possibilities mean more creativity.

The more possibilities there are, the more creativity we have. Resources are finite, but our mind is infinite. We can create something out of nothing while using our imagination to help others and ourselves.

Innovation and creativity are at their highest when we have an open mind to the many possibilities to arrive at a solution. As our society becomes more dependent on technology, we will need more people who can think outside the box, look at more possibilities and draw patterns. This is precisely what humans do with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – exploring increased possibilities to find hidden intelligence.

So, what do human-made machines do, can’t humans do better?

More creativity is more innovation.

In a way that creativity and innovation are two sides of the same coin; it is like art and science.

The creative mind is more open to new ways of thinking and perceiving; it sees things in new ways, bringing about innovation. Innovation is an integral part of human progress because it enables us to create tools, products, systems, and ideas that help us live better lives.

Innovation comes from a combination of imagination and knowledge—it’s not enough to know how something works if we don’t also have some insight into how it could be used differently or improved. This is where imagination steps in: if we can imagine a better way for something to work, we might be able to make it happen!

More innovation makes the world a better place.

The world is a complex place. There are infinite problems that need to be solved, and we need creative solutions to solve them. So the more imaginative and innovative people there are, the better our chance of making things better for everyone.

Innovative people come up with new ideas, which lead to new ways to solve problems – be it products and services; these things create jobs, create a better standard of living, feed the poor, cure the diseased, and a lot more.

But innovation doesn’t just stop there! It also means being able to help out those in need by finding better ways of doing things so they don’t have as much pain or suffering anymore. This is good for saving the planet since we use fewer resources and are more efficient.

An imaginative mind is key to making the world a better place.

An imaginative mind is key to making the world a better place. A good imagination is critical and can help us achieve our dreams and goals. We must imagine ourselves achieving them before they become a reality, so we must know how to use our imagination properly.

We need more people with imaginative minds to make the world a better place.

Rajesh Soundararajan

Maybe the United Nations should hire fiction writers?

You can find more articles from this author at

Leadership Lesson

Fix Employee Attrition: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think

Fix Employee Attrition: It's Not as Difficult as You Think

Employee retention is the most important topic for managers and management in 2022.


Post-COVID, companies are reporting extreme rates of attrition. According to one of the most extensive surveys of the global workforce, one in five workers plans to quit their jobs in 2022. Of course, some of those happen because of demand and supply and the force multiplier of salaries. But 90% of the other attritions are fixable and can be fixed with a focus on a few areas.

Each company has a different way of retaining employees. For example, some companies pay well but don’t give freedom and flexibility; some give freedom but don’t pay well; some respect their employees but don’t provide training or tools needed for success; some provide training and tools but do not give freedom/flexibility, etc.

In short, there are many moving parts because of which an employee can feel demotivated. Here are the ten areas that can address 90% of the scenarios.

  1. Have role clarity for each member of your team
  2. Respect the individual irrespective of their job/ level
  3. Skill each team member for role and success
  4. Shift to remote working/ flexible work arrangements
  5. Provide requisite tools to succeed
  6. Build a culture of trust and positivity
  7. Give employees adequate freedom
  8. Have formal reviews monthly/ quarterly
  9. Help them build their career plan
  10. Build positivity and abundance


Role clarity is the foundation of a successful team. It helps each member understand their role in the group, what they are responsible for, and what their teammates are doing. When they have role clarity, there are clear expectations about how to do their job and where they fit into the bigger picture. This reduces stress, leads to better communication, and helps avoid misunderstandings or confusion among team members.

It also means providing clear guidance on who’s responsible for what tasks so there aren’t any surprises when an employee has a question about their responsibilities at work—or if they need help with anything.


Everyone is a human being. Each human being expects respect. Each of those in your company – the ones with less education or experience than others, those on a different pay scale, those who do their jobs differently than others—are all human beings with feelings and emotions like you and me!

For us as leaders to create an environment where employees want to stay, we must stop seeing people solely as job titles or salary levels. Instead, we look at each employee as an individual with their unique background and personality traits that make up who they are as an employee (and as a person).

It will become easier for us to keep them engaged and retain them long-term as necessary. The key here is respecting employees irrespective of their role/job title within the organization; showing them that they matter regardless of whether they’re “at the top” or “at the bottom” should be something we emphasize continually for this approach to work properly.


To stay competitive, you need to focus on building the skills of each of your team members. Skills are the foundation of a career; without them, an employee cannot succeed at their job – here or anywhere. And unable to do their job well leads to stress and frustration.

Skills can be broken down into two categories: hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills can be taught in a workshop or through on-the-job training. These include technical training such as computer operation or job functions like managing a restaurant or performing surgery.

On the other hand, soft skills are those learned through coaching and often require practice to become effective in the workplace. Examples include communication skills (both written and verbal), teamwork, problem-solving ability, and adaptability.


Research shows that remote workers can be two to four times more effective than office-based employees. Employees are more productive. Employees are happier. According to a recent study at Winona State University[1], “employees who work remotely report having significantly higher job satisfaction and engagement than in-office employees.”

Employees are more engaged with their work tasks and company overall (because of increased happiness). They also report feeling less stress about juggling their responsibilities as parents/family members/spouses when they can take care of these things at home. Employees have better work-life balance


Tools are vital to helping your employees succeed in their roles, careers, and lives. These can include:

  • Providing training on how to do their jobs well
  • Giving feedback, so they know what they’re doing right or wrong
  • Mentoring or coaching that helps them meet their goal


Trust is the foundation of every relationship. If people don’t trust each other, they can’t work together effectively. If you want employees to communicate openly and honestly, everyone needs to feel that their voices are heard.

The best way to foster trust is through effective management. That means making time for coaching sessions, offering constructive criticism without being critical, and not holding employees back from reaching their goals because they’re “not ready.”

Focus on positivity rather than negativity; focus on solutions rather than problems; celebrate successes instead of dwelling on failures.


When you give employees the freedom to make their own decisions, they’ll feel more ownership over their work. They’ll also appreciate that you trust them with the ability to accomplish tasks without oversight.

Giving your workers opportunities for growth is one of the most important things you can do as a leader (and it’s especially effective when it involves letting them fail). For example, you might try giving employees projects requiring them to take on new roles or responsibilities or simply giving them autonomy in performing their jobs. This gives people ownership over what they’re doing, improving how well they do it—thus reducing attrition rates!


It would help if you had formal reviews with your employees at least once a month. Good managers will do this, but many don’t. You can also use quarterly reviews to check in on progress or give feedback on how things are going.

The purpose of the review is not just to grade them but to share information and express appreciation for what they’re doing well while offering suggestions for improvement. This also helps you understand their strengths, weaknesses, and goals as individuals so that you can help them grow as employees and leaders within your organization (more about this later).

Reviews should be done by managers both individually and collectively: one-on-one with each employee; in team meetings with everyone present; or even during board meetings if there’s enough time allocated for such discussions


  • Help them build a career plan. Help your employees understand what they need to do to develop their careers and how you can support them. Ask them to define their brand, and identify the skills they need to build and areas where they want to grow professionally.
  • Could you explain what you expect from them? Make sure that your employees have a clear understanding of what is expected of them at work, how they will be evaluated on their performance, and how this tie into the larger goals of the organization.


Positivity, abundance, and gratitude are the unspoken foundations of a workplace environment that will keep employees feeling valued and stimulated. To ensure your team stays happy, fostering a positive mindset in all aspects of your business is essential. While there will always be adverse events in the current dynamic world,  there is still room for hope and positivity within your organization. People want to feel appreciated and supported by their coworkers and their jobs to be fun!

Celebrate accomplishments often—and make sure everyone knows about them! Even though employee attrition may seem inevitable at times because of external factors like increased pay,  there are things you can do as a manager to reduce these problems before they get out of hand.


It is essential to understand that these steps are not an end, but a means to develop an organizational culture where employees will feel empowered and want to stay with your company. The key takeaway is that employee attrition can be avoided if organizations recognize their role in creating a positive work environment for their employees.
