productive travel

6 tips for using travel time to become more productive

If you are in an executive or travelling role, you will be guaranteed to spend 1/3rd of your life on planes and taxis. This is what I learnt –

  1. Make a to-do list: Before you leave for your trip, list tasks you can complete during your travel time. This will help you stay organized and focused on the tasks that need to be done.
  2. Utilize audiobooks: Audiobooks are a great way to use travel time. You can listen to books that will help you learn something new or entertain you while travelling.
  3. Take advantage of online tools: Many online tools and apps can help you stay productive while travelling. Use these tools to stay organized and get work done while you’re on the go.
  4. Take notes: Use your travel time to take notes on ideas, projects, and tasks you need to complete. This will help you stay organized and productive when you return to your desk.
  5. Connect with colleagues: Use your travel time to connect with colleagues and discuss projects or ideas. This will help you stay productive and connected with your team.
  6. Get some rest: Don’t forget to take some time to rest and relax during your travels. This will help you stay energized and productive when you get back to work.
6 tips for using travel time to become more productive
aspire Boss career CEO Leadership Lesson time travel

Aspire to be a CEO: Avoid travelling with your bosses!

This rule is some what counter-intuitive.
Most aspirants to the top jobs, usually jump at the opportunity to travel with the superiors. They think that travelling with bosses gives them that extra time to shine. Don’t do it. Good senior executives judge on results, not on clever conversations.

Good top managers are also busy and unless you are working ion their projects, in less than ten minutes they get back to what they are working on.
You must spend your travel time working . Airplane time is work time, so you may want to fly by yourself and gain those extra few hours.
If you travel with a top executive and end up working on the flight, they would think you are doing it to impress them. Worse still, they want to read a book, relax, take a nap or may be watch a movie and they will be unsettled by your industriousness. Even if you have to fly the same plane, sit in a different section.
Hotel time is also work time. If you travel with superiors they may be obligated to ask you for dinner. If they don’t you will feel hurt. Either ways your valuable time is wasted.