aspire career CEO email influence Leadership Lesson note people

Aspire to be a CEO? Never ever write a nasty email.

Well, wise men said it in the past and it is true even today – “before you utter something, count to 10, take a deep breath and then speak”. A friend of mine Arun Cavale often says – “What you have not said, you can always say later. What you have said, you can never take it back”

  • Never write a note that criticises, hurts or belittles or humiliates a colleague.
  • Do not write a condescending note or a note that is unkind, sexist or does not respect the individual.
  • Never send out a email that is written in anger or frustration.

We live in a small world. People get promoted, change companies, jobs, roles.
They have influential friends. Companies merge, acquired or get acquired.
Your self-made enemy may show up anywhere. Never give a company rival a smoking gun. 
Spend your energy in positive things.
Makes sense? Common sense? Nonsense?

PS: If you still love to write nasty notes that sound sweet, you may want to read “Manipulative Memos” by Arthur D. Rosenberg 🙂