Leadership Lesson

Chapter 3- Schedule Key Meetings

FIRST 30 DAYS Fright or Flight– 10X Leader Series
FIRST 30 DAYS Fright or Flight– 10X Leader Series

Chapter 3- Schedule Key Meetings

The first thing you need to do is schedule meetings with the four stakeholders to make your job successful.

  1. Your predecessor
  2. Your new manager
  3. Your employees
  4. Your HR partner

Think of these initial meetings as fact-finding sessions. In each case, explain that your intention is to learn and understand. Be prepared to ask questions — and to listen. While you are waiting for these meetings, determine.

Get acquainted with the HR partner for your new team. They will be a valuable resource for you throughout your career. They have seen many a manager like you come and go into the group and seen team members join and move out. They may have been involved in staffing the team, including possibly the discussions where you were shortlisted for your new role. A good relationship with your HR partner would help go a long way in understanding many hidden dynamics that may not be visible first.

Similarly, you may want to talk to other reportees of your new manager. While you need not take their inputs at face value, it will give you a good background and contextual understanding of your new manager.

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