
12 Steps to Run a Social Media Contest That Converts like Crazy [Infographics]

Running a social media contest is a fantastic opportunity to amplify your brand, products, and services. With organic reach on the decline, social media contests are one of the few effective ways to boost your brand online with a minimal promotional budget.

Contests can consist of a simple giveaway from a small brand or full-blown campaigns that create an avalanche of media buzz.

  1. Decide on a contest owner
  2. Set your goals and budget
  3. Choose your prizes and an exciting hook
  4. Build your contest, define contest rules
  5. Determine jury, jury evaluation sheets
  6. Create a promotion and engagement plan
  7. Choose contest entry structure and social networks
  8. Determine the length and frequency of your contest
  9. Test and publish your contest
  10. Use e-mail autoresponders to contact, all entrants
  11. Convert
  12. Analyse, reflect, learn, repeat

When you target prospective participants and actively engage with your entrants, the real winner of the contest will be your brand.

Decide on a contest owner
Set your goals and budget
Choose your prizes and an exciting hook
Build your contest, define contest rules
Determine jury, jury evaluation sheets
Create a promotion and engagement plan
Choose contest entry structure and social networks
Determine the length and frequency of your contest
Test and publish your contest
Use e-mail autoresponders to contact, all entrants
Analyse, reflect, learn, repeat

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